We packed up our car and headed out of St. George around 9:00AM this morning. We went up thru Zion National Park and drove to Fredonia. Fredonia is where we had stopped at a gas station on our way to Antelope Canyon with Lynn, Dick, Larry, Paula, and John. When I went into go to the restroom here was a picture of a gal that looked so much like me or like my friend Celeste. So I wanted to stop back there and see if I could find out any thing on this gal. Well, here it happened to be her Uncle that was working at the gas station and he said her name was Mindy Kessler and she lives in Beaver, Utah now. The other surprising thing is that she is adopted. Hmmmmm - has to make us wonder. Anyway, it was interesting finding out a little bit about her.
From there we drove to Marble Canyon and Lee's Ferry. Lee's Ferry is the spot that several years ago we got on a raft with Jerri and Patti Brecke and other's and rafted 185 miles of the Grand Canyon. We stayed the night before the rafting trip in Marble Canyon. So that was kind of fun to go back and see the area again. From there we went to the Grand Canyon and did a lot of sight seeing on the way and got a hotel about a 1/4 of a mile from the Bright Angel Trailhead.
Tomorrow we plan on doing the 12 mile hike (round trip) to Plateau Point and then back up Bright Angel Trail. That will be 4-1/2 miles of switchbacks going down to Indian Garden and then another 1-1/2 miles to Plateau Point. We hope to have lunch there and then head back up the Bright Angel Trail.
I am sure we will be tired tomorrow night!
Life is good!
On our way to Marble Canyon! |
Colorado River - down by Lee's Ferry - there were actually rafts being loaded for a rafting trip! We wanted to hop on! |
Colorado River! |
Rafter and Kayaker - taken from the Marble Canyon Bridge! |
Marble Canyon Bridge! There are two bridges - old one you can walk across and then a new one for vehicles! |
Awesome Grand Canyon and beautiful Colorado River! |
Pictures taken along the way to the Grand Canyon Lodge area! We stopped at numerous scenic sights! |
Bonsoir from Oklahoma City. You were on our tail to Fredonia and beyond. Did you see the Oregon river runners getting ready to put in the river? See my blog.